Construction & Real Estate

Major construction projects fuel the Luxembourg economy and improve the infrastructure and services we use every day.

B&R aims to ensure that these projects are delivered on time and on budget. Our integrated team’s practical understanding works on all legal aspects of a project, from procurement through to facilities management so as to deliver pragmatic and innovative solutions and provide commercially effective advice and dispute management.

Working with our real estate practice, you can count on our assistance across the real estate asset lifecycle, including the following fields:

  • real estate investment;
  • real estate development;
  • real estate finance;
  • real estate funds;
  • real estate M&A;
  • real estate tax; and
  • real estate disputes.

Our Strategy



We focus on what our clients have to tell us.

We must fully understand any factor that may affect them to better plan the next steps forward.

Understanding our clients, their needs and goals is key to providing the best service. 



It is only after having clearly identified the issues or challenges at stake that we can find solutions.

You can rely on our experience and expertise to guide our research and make it as effective as possible for you.



With our preliminary work of understanding and research, we have all the tools to succeed in finding pragmatic and innovative solutions for our clients.

At B&R, we are not satisfied with proposing only proven solutions. We will always look further and higher to find you the best deal!

How Can We Help?