The Association "Coeur Vert Luxembourg" will lead the 16th edition of the Reforestation Camp in Ivory Coast

Brouxel and Rabia Commitment Save our Plant Coeur Vert Luxembourg Deforestation

The Association “Coeur Vert Luxembourg”, of which François BROUXEL, Partner is a founding member, will lead the 16th edition of the Reforestation Camp as part of the “Great Green Wall” project.

This camp will take place in Ivory Coast from 12th to 20th August 2023.

Launched in 2008 under the aegis of the African Union, the “Great Green Wall” project aims to restore Sahelian ecosystems threatened by desertification. It is a wide project with a total of 15 km reforestation crossing the African continent from east to west, from Djibouti to Dakar over 7500 km.

The Great Green Wall path

The Great Green Wall path

Fifteen years later, the project continues to live on and is even regaining popularity as it prevents from instability and insecurity in the Sahel’s region.

This year, the 16th edition of the Reforestation Camp will gather 250 volunteers, including François BROUXEL.

The objective is to plant 250 000 seedlings that will cover 400 ha of land in order to prevent desertification and water scarcity.

On top of that, this project aims to build community gardens managed by women, which creates new opportunities for individuals living in the countryside.

It is up to each of us to contribute to the common good. I feel grateful being where I actually am and I think, as good citizens, that we have a duty of solidarity towards the less fortunate.

The “Great Green Wall” project in figures:


If you want to support this action and make a donation, click here

For more information about the project and on how to contribute, read the brochure made by “Coeur Vert Luxembourg” right below.

If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact:

François Brouxel, Partner
François BROUXEL


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