While exercising our professional duties and playing a role in society, it is of the utmost importance to demonstrate ethical and responsible behaviour at the highest standard. We act responsibly and with integrity to gain confidence and build up long term relationships with our clients and other stakeholders. At B&R, we strive to act always with due care, confidentiality, independence, respect, transparency and accountability.
Entrepreneurship can only happen when you have people who can seize opportunities based on their ideas to generate value. Our lawyers undertake their job in the most efficient and business-focused way, which allows them to see what is needed and what is missing. At B&R, we do everything to bring about our clients’ vision.
We will never take things for granted. We will always challenge the norm and think out of the box in our clients’ best interests. At B&R, we’re convinced that we’ve got to be forward thinking to stay one step ahead.
At B&R, we believe in difference not in conformity.
We are enthusiastic and thoughtful. We think and act differently from most lawyers.
Our singularity will be a source of innovation and freshness. We will have a customised look at your project or issues.
We strive to make an impact on your business by listening, thinking and solving uniquely for you. We want to be much more than your lawyer. We want to be your trusted partner throughout your projects’ lifetime….and beyond!
We see our law firm as a part of the larger human community and everything we do should allow mirror that. We are therefore committed to create and maintain a sustainable environment for us and others to facilitate global economic and social development. The way to sustainability can only be achieved through sustainable development, including gender equality, diversity, good health and well-being of our teams and a more responsible consumption and production. At B&R, we are committed to play our full part in creating a more human, sustainable, respectful and life-enhancing environment for our associates and employees. We want to be the strong link in a chain of interlocking responsibilities towards a better future.